
Home Practice


An integrated compliance model, designed and developed in synergy with the client, aimed at a hybridization of skills.

Civil and Commercial Litigation

Having a direct knowledge and understanding of the markets and of their inherent risks, thus ensuring the best results for our clients through focused and highly personalized assistance.

Public Procurement contracts

A focus on the complexity of public sector procurement contracts and an in-depth understanding of the rules and regulations underpinning administrative law.


A thorough understanding of clients’ needs so as to offer the most effective solutions.

Credit Collection

Keeping you up to date in real time.

Employment and Labour Law department

To "personalise" human resource management.

Civil Liability and Insurance

Risk awareness, damage limitation, protection of rights.

Local Public Services

Pooling our expertise to better address the complexities of the sector.

CSR and Not-for-Profit

Pooling capabilities to optimise an integrated system overview.