Employment and Labour Law department

Home Employment and Labour Law department

Our Employment Law team advises domestic and international companies in the areas of:

  • employment law
  • industrial relations
  • social insurance
  • health and safety in the workplace
  • agency contracts
  • independent contractor contracts


We act for our clients in contentious employment cases, in administrative and judicial proceedings covering all aspects of employment and labour law. We also advise and represent our clients in litigation with social insurance and social welfare institutions and with bodies connected with the Ministry of Labour. We represent our clients in arbitration proceedings and in handling disciplinary procedures. We regularly advise companies operating in the engineering, transport, logistics, fashion, IT and telecommunications industries, as well as those in the energy and tertiary sectors. We routinely deal with employment issues concerning company restructuring, renewal of company collective bargaining agreements, privacy and data protection, administrative liability of business entities, health and safety in the workplace and tenders.

Our approach:  to "personalise" human resource management.

We pride ourselves on establishing and maintaining a direct relationship with our clients, being readily available and prompt in responding to their needs. Our daily exchanges provide us with an in-depth knowledge of the specific characteristics of each client company and ensure best practice in human resources management.  The ability to pool skills underpins all the work carried out by the team. Our extensive experience in litigation enables us to provide advice and effective contractual tools to prevent legal action.

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