CSR and Not-for-Profit

Home CSR and Not-for-Profit

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Not-for-Profit Sector

Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility

Our team helps companies to act ethically and responsibly to build a new and better world in accordance with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles. We advise entrepreneurs on how to go beyond compliance and voluntarily integrate their production and commercial activities, balancing them, in both strategic and day-to-day decisions, with the general economic, social and environmental needs. Within the scope of this type of action, our advisory services include:

  • drafting of non-financial statements pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 254/2016 and other non-financial accounting tools
  • setting up of B-Corps and Benefit Corporations
  • reviewing of company governance and organization in view of effective stakeholder engagement
  • implementing of action to safeguard gender parity and human rights compliance
  • monitoring of supply chains and sub-contracting
  • identifying and assessing the principal risks, either caused or suffered, connected to environmental and/or social issues, concerning human resources, human rights, combatting active and passive corruption which may arise as a result of business activities, products, services or commercial relations.


Not-for-profit sector

We act for not-for-profit entities in the ordinary phases of their activity as well as in the extraordinary stages of their life. We also advise non-profit organizations with regard to the drafting and updating of organizational models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01 – which include a full range of tools/protocols to mitigate business risk and ensure that they are fully transparent and compliant – and in relation to data protection. We have extensive experience in advising on the following matters:

  • setting up of entities
  • drafting and review of regulations and statutes and assistance in gaining legal personality status
  • drafting of agreements and collaboration agreements with public and private sector bodies
  • employment law assistance in HR management
  • assistance in the extraordinary phases of the life of an entity such as the transformation of associations (officially recognized or not) into foundations (including participatory foundations), in the reorganization of their institutional, legal and asset structure, including the separation or concentration of assets or business units, also in newly established operating entities
  • legal assistance during critical phases of the of an entity’s life (dissolution, extinction, liquidation and definition of relationships between members).

Our approach: pooling capabilities to optimise an integrated system overview.

Our approach entails a preliminary evaluation of the entity’s level of compliance with current law and regulations along with a residual risk assessment. To this end, we need to attain an in-depth understanding of the entity itself and how it operates in order to accurately identify areas requiring intervention and the most appropriate action to be implemented. With our multidisciplinary approach we work in close co-operation with the law firm’s other departments and also, when necessary, with leading management consulting firms and communications experts.

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